Sometimes end-users experience slow response from the Testlab side. Testlab might also give you an error message "Transport error - HTTP code : 0" More often than not this is due to either network slowdown or workstation related issues. Troubleshooting problems start from making sure that making sure these problems are not causing the slow user experience.
Troubleshooting the network
Basic troubleshooting: First, try out the common network-related problems. You can ask help from your local IT support to troubleshoot the network issues. If you have access to Google chrome, use Chrome's "Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics" -tool. It is very easy to use and very fast way to troubleshoot basic connectivity issues. Just add the extension, launch the app and in case the diagnostics report of any problems, troubleshoot them with your local IT support.
After basic troubleshooting, you should find out the general speed of your network. You can use for example in browser you use to find out your network speed. There are no definite ping / speed prerequisites for Testlab to work as normal, but if you see that speedtest values are lower when you experience slowness in Testlab, you know the reason for that is most likely the network. Try out the speed test in different physical locations to see if it has an effect.
Troubleshooting the computer
Sometimes there are processes in local workstation that slow down other applications. For example when workstations update themselves many operations happen much slower than normally. If your local workstation's CPU or network seems to be used when you do not do anything yourself, find out the reason for that and see if mitigating that will increase your computer's performance.
Troubleshooting the Testlab
In case the network and your local computer do not point towards problems, open a ticket to Meliora support and start troubleshooting the issue. Please enter the following information in the ticket so that Meliora can help to identify possible causes for the slowness.
1) Describe what you do in Testlab when you experience the slowness. If there are many slow operations give a few examples.
2) Describe how slow the mentioned operations are. Use some sort of timer to get the measurement.
3) Tell how often you experience slow response times.
4) Tell how long the system has been slow. Did it become slow in one day or has it become slower gradually? Does it seem to have certain times of day when Testlab is slower?
5) Do others in your same office location experience the same slowness? Does it affect everyone, or only some of the users?
6) Have you tried Testlab using another computer with the same user accounts doing same things? Does it affect the performance?
7) When you have experiences slowness, what values speedtest gives you? ( ping, download and upload speed )
8) Do you experience slowness on multiple Testlab project? Try the pre-installed Demo -project or similar to compare with the one you first experienced the slowness with.